Category "sonarqube-scan"

How to solve Sonar error: Unable to load component class org.sonar.scanner.scan.ProjectLock

I have some issues while running Sonar on my netbeans' project. It's not working and i have the following error : C:\Users\remy.fischer\Desktop\NetBeansProject

sonarQube Findbug error and ##[error]java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not execute Findbugs

I am really struggling from months. We are trying to scan SCALA code with SonarQube in Azure Devops which is in Databricks. We were getting around 30 error. But

Sonarqube authorization - how to authorize with sonar-maven-plugin when sonar.forceAuthentication is enabled

I've got sonarqube 6.5 with default configs. When sonar.forceAuthentication flag is set to false, I can create and analyse project through command given below.