Category "" server error with Php( An error occurred while trying to establish a connection to the server)

I have a question for you, I'm using and in my php application, but I've been dealing with the error I got by for almost 2 day

Loading saved messages using socket shows duplicates to other users

So basically I have a chat app in html and nodejs and js and I am trying to load messages that were sent previously so people can see chat history if they join

Stream Audio via WebSocket - Web Audio

I'm so close to getting audio chat working via Websockets. The idea of this application I'm building is to have a group voice chat working in browser. I'm using - Refresh tokens before reconnect

I am creating an Electron app with When the user's computer goes into sleep mode the server disconnects from the client throwing an error "transport

Flask serve react app build without interfering with requests

Im attempting to serve a react app via flask using the catch-all found in the top answer of this question, which works great for serving all of the build files,

grammar & spell checking in nodejs

How to check spelling mistakes, grammar & punctuation errors, use of greetings & short keywords and total time to complete each single chat session in s

Nodejs Game using too much cpu/ram

I am making a Nodejs Multiplayer game. PROBLEM: After a period of time, around a few seconds, the latency between the server to client skyrockets. Not just a li

Not able to connect flutter socket socket_io_client 1.0.1 to nodejs server

**Not able to connect websocket to the nodejs server for websocket connection I'm using socket_io_client: ^1.0.1 library ** void connect(){ IO.Socket socke

Android and , send and receive data

I can send data to server.js and it work well but i can't receive data from server.When i click button server.js gets data i think Server.js send data but my Ap

Flask-socketio, send message only to one chat

I am developing flask app with chat feature. When somenone sends message, it saves into db. Now I want to display it on screen with socketio but when someone s

data is not emitted from android client to server using library

I am creating a chat app using library. The github link to library is . I wanted to add the feature of adding

Expo: Get audio data realtime and send via Socket.IO

App I want to make I would like to make audio recognition mobile app like Shazam with Expo Expo AV( Tensorflow se + React: Different classes -> use same socket?

This is hopefully my best take at describing and simplifying my problem: I have my main class for my react app called App in App.js (I use [...] as Placeholder

wsgi error: Address already in use - socketio/django/apache2

My project is created with React (create-react-app), React router (no webpack), -- Django (rest) and Socketio with eventlet on the backend. I have 3 problems wi

NodeJS + Express + Socket.IO : CANNOT GET ERROR

I'm programming chat app using . Chatting works well but trying to get 'http://myurl/upload', it give me the error"cannot GET//uplad". What is the pro

Flask server not starting for SocketIO

I am trying to make a chat app using SocketIO and following this video: and the corresponding GitHub code: https://g

React-Redux and Websockets with

I'm new with that technology React-Redux and I would like your help with some implementation. I want to implement one chat application with sockets (

"Error: Invalid WebSocket frame: RSV1 must be clear" while using Socket.IO

What might be the problem for which, I'm getting this error "Error: Invalid WebSocket frame: RSV1 must be clear"? I'm using the package to connect to

How to use socketio inside controllers?

I have a application created with Reactjs,Redux,Nodejs,MongoDB. I have created socketio in backend side. server.js const express = require('express'); const mo

Using Socket.IO in C#

I'm trying to read a Socket.IO stream from Wikimedia sites. There is sample code for various languages, but I need to get this working in C# The source link i