Category "snapshot"

Flutter DocumentSnapshot - Error: A value of type 'Object?' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'DocumentSnapshot'

return StreamBuilder( stream: usersRef.doc(post.userId).snapshots(), builder: (context, snapshot) { if (snapshot.hasData) { DocumentSnapshot snap

How to implement null-safety in simple flutter-dart code with object

I am new to flutter/dart coding, please help me solve the following: Here is my code trying to fetch data from the FireStore collection "DinnerNames" but I get

How do I create a snapshot of a VM in Oracle Cloud (OCI)?

I recently set up a Ubuntu Linux instance in Oracle Cloud. I'm used to take snapshots of VM's so I can roll back if something later goes wrong. In Digitalocean

How to view Jest snapshot in test

Is there a way to check the actual snapshot taken by Jest when running a snapshot test? So if I have a component with a fancy date thing that's supposed to show

Minecraft forge 1.14.4: missing library error (snapshot) in eclipse

I am trying to start modding Minecraft using Forge 1.14.4 but because of a "missing library" which is a snapshot, I will not be able to. I have tried relentle