Category "single-page-application"

Is using tabs for navigation a violation of the ARIA specification?

The current title is as carefully reworded by somebody else. I could rephrase it as Do ARIA specs allow the use of tabs-based implementation of a navigation men

Is Svelte limited to single-page applications (SPA)?

The Svelte documentation states that: Svelte converts your app into ideal JavaScript at build time, rather than interpreting your application code at run time.

Axios return HTML instead of an object

I need help about Axios. I develop a SPA webapp on Laravel 6 (with package SPARK) and VueJS (version 2). On a Vue component, I want to retrieve datas from my b

OAuth 2 can i use Post Form Response and PCKE at the same time?

I am trying to secure an SPA, now there is recommendations to use PCKE which is fine, there is also a lot of articles which suggest use post form response, howe

Angular 13 use proxy.conf.json in production

I use angular in version 13 with proxy.conf.json in development. I am try to use this proxy in production and generate a dist file with ng build but it's not wo

How do I publish a .NET Core + Angular single page app for different environments?

Some additional context: I created a solution using the Angular project template with ASP.NET Core in Visual Studio 2019. The app has several different environm

Web App SPA & OIDC: How to properly authenticate before accessing the front?

I have a regular web app, composed as usual of a frontend SPA (angular) and a backend. The server calls are protected from unauthorized calls through authentica

Downloading a file using React and Typescript

I am trying to build a single page app using React. I came up with this hacky way to download a local file (residing in the public directory). I have two questi


I am getting the net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID error in ASP.NET Core when I try to request my Web API from an SPA. The first solution to fix the issue was to

How to intercept back button in a React SPA using function components and React Router v5

I'm working in a SPA in React that doesn't use React Router to create any Routes; I don't need to allow users to navigate to specific pages. (Think multi-page q

Laravel SPA (Vue) Authentication with cookie or token?

the more I read about Laravel Spa (Vue) authentication, the more I ask myself about the "best way" to authenticate with Sanctum. Official Laravel documentation

Can't start Angular application

Within the last few days, we have been encountering the following errors (and there doesn't seem to be match find in Google search): npm start ng serve Compil

Why is auth0 recommending not to store tokens in localStorage?

Auth0 provide extensive list of resources describing best practices for the authentication. Among them there's a constant stream of advice not to use localStora

What is the `js` gtags.js command?

The embed code for Google Analytics (well, GA via google tag manager's gtags.js) looks like: <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <sc

Mui DataTable custom summary footer

Given the follow example: Will it be possible to add a custom footer that will sum the current page Salary column and displa

How to use access_token to authenticate SPA with Laravel 5.4

I'm trying to authenticate my single page app (written in Marionette) with my Laravel 5.4 app. In my previous experience, an SPA would: send the username &

Why is Angular called a single-page application?

One of the most common terms associated with Angular(JS) is SPA. Why is Angular(JS) called a single-page application? Even if the URL changes in an Angular(JS)

Single page application page refresh

In Single page application like web application using Angular 2, we manage the navigation to different pages using routes. But when page is refreshed in browser

Single Page Application and Inline Fancybox not working properly

I'm trying to make a SPA and use the Hot Towel template with Durandal. So far I have successfully added a Fancybox to my spa and it shows a image <a class="f

How to host an ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly Hosted App on AWS?

What to do to safely host a Hosted Blazor WebAssembly App (Which has 3 projects i.e. Server, Client and Shared) (.NET Core 6.0) on AWS for someone who has never