Category "simulator"

NAOqi Simulator SDK

I am relatively new to working with Nao Robots. As part of many guthub repositories, simulator sdk packages are needed for code to work. I am unable to find tho

Anlysing branch prediction accuracy with certain pipelinedepth

Currently I'm studying about branch prediction accuracy and the relation with pipelinedepth and/or using parallel fetching (f.e. in superscalar processors). Is

The app delegate must implement the window property if it wants to use a main storyboard file swift

I have just developed an app, but when running in the simulator the debugger console says: The app delegate must implement the window property if it wants t

iOS development with Flutter on Windows? [closed]

I'd like to develope an iOS-app using Flutter. But unfortunately I'm having a Windows PC, so my question is if there are any good working iOS