Category "shiny"

R shiny : display text as code on several lines

I would like to display some R code on my shiny app. Therefore, I used verbatimTextOutput but I can't find a way to break lines and to display paragraphs of cod

Copy a Shiny DT cell to users clipboard

Based on this question: I want to select a row in a shiny datatable and want to copy the content of a specific cell to the clipboard. What I've got so far: libr

Muliple table captions in DT in R

I'm following the example from here: I can get a caption above the table with: library(DT) datatable( head(iris), caption =

Reactive bar chart in shiny R

I am trying build a reactive bar chart in shiny app. I have a small table named stats Team wins loss draws Arsenal 533 120 256 Chelsea 489 20

What is the best way to convert flexdashboard to a Shiny (ui, server)?

I have a flexdashboard application and I would like to convert it into two parts: ui and server. Is there any way (functions or workaround) to do this? A simple

How to prevent user from doing anything on shiny app when app is busy

I have a complex shiny app with a lot of inputs, a leaflet map etc ... The problem I have is when the app is busy making some calculations, the users keep on cl

Suppress messages in console when running shiny

See example: shinyFunction <- function(){ shinyApp( ui = basicPage( actionButton('print_message', "Print a message") ), server = fun

Change sparkline coloring in shiny DT table

Below is the code to develop sparkline in R. Wanted to check if we can change the color . I mean the negative values to be black and positive values to be red l

r shiny and ggplot2::facet_wrap how can I add categories to facet_wrap without having the original plot resize?

I have a shiny app that lets the user add categories to the facet_wrap. When I start with one category the plot fills the entire box but when I add a second cat

Download A File Generated Within An R Shiny App

I am currently trying to generate a Shiny App that at the press of a button generates and downloads data for a user. I have a user defined function that pulls d

Cache data in Shiny Server on Docker

I am currently trying to implement caching on my dockerized shiny app, but i am facing troubles, the app doesn't work and there's no log to trace the problem: S

R shiny datable with styleColorBar not aligning the data on the left hand side

I have the following code and my goal is to add styleColorBar to the WGT column, aligning the yellow bars on the left hand side of the column. df = data.frame(W

Return input as list in reactive shiny - dynamic UI in insert UI

I'm using the code from a previous solution R shiny dynamic UI in insertUI In my app right now, the inputs are rendered by the server and displayed as different

Interfacing Shinymanager and Golem

I would like to know if there is any documentation about interfacing golem structure and shinymanager which is a package I use frequently to secure my app. The

Is it possible to customize the size of rpivottable treemaps

This code works and the pivot table is drawn but the treemap is huge and I need it to render to about 50% of the current size, 500px would be fine for now. It s

Include 'blank' filters in dplyr filter chain in Shiny app

I have a shiny application with numerous user inputs including numericInput and textInput and pickerInput. These inputs are used to filter a dataframe. In my fi

R Leaflet does not show legend when embedded in Shiny Dashboard

The map above renders perfectly fine in the following scenarios: List item RStudio Viewer Shiny app Shiny app using a minimal Shiny dashboard sceleton When

R Shiny: Slider anchors overlap at the end

On the UI, there are two sliders where the range of the second slider is dependent on the first slider's input. However, certain values on Slider 1 can lead to

Show a message instead of/within plot while data is loading in R Shiny

Is there a possibility in R Shiny to replace a plot with a "loading" message while additional data is loading? I am using a big dataset in my app and since not

Uploading zip with multiple files into a shiny application

I am trying to upload a zip file through my shiny app that contains a bunch of xml files in it, and then process them. My code looks something like this: libra