Category "shared-memory"

Split list automatically for multiprocessing

I am learning multiprocessing in Python, and thinking of a problem. I want that for a shared list(nums = mp.Manager().list), is there any way that it automatica

How to establish semaphore between two different files and synchronize data

I am currently working on semaphore concepts ,. I Have two files I have to share data between two files Eg : application1.c It increments one value and shares t

How to send a cv::Mat to python over shared memory?

I have a c++ application that sends data through to a python function over shared memory. This works great using ctypes in Python such as doubles and floats. No

Question about sharing mmapped area between 2 different processes

I'm trying to share mmapped area in 2 processes. In my program, I create memory_update() process and memory_read() process. This memory_update() process update