Category "sftp"

"'Connection' object has no attribute '_sftp_live'" when pysftp connection fails

I'd like to catch nicely the error when "No hostkey for host *** is found" and give an appropriate message to the end user. I tried this: import pysftp, paramik

"Indicated packet length too large" error when using remote interpreter in PyCharm

I am setting up a remote SSH interpreter in PyCharm, but when I try to select the interpreter's location on the remote machine, I get the following error: Indic

How to read csv from ftp using pandas? [duplicate]

I connected to a sftp and got a list of files successfully: ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy( paramiko.AutoAddPolicy

Get files with latest date from SFTP server using WinSCP in batch file

Hi I am totally new to WinSCP and Batch. I have figured out a script to transfer a folder from an SFTP site to my computer but would like to only grab the late

Copy file from remote dir to remote sub directory using paramiko

How to copy a file in a remote server /maindir/fil1.txt to a sub directory /maindir/subdir/file1.txt i have the sftp created using paramiko. But it always check

Upload byte array without actually creating a local file to SFTP server using WinSCP .NET assembly?

I need to write a PowerShell script that reads some data and writes it to a file on a remote SFTP location. I'd rather not generate a local file first before i

Apache Mina SFTP: Mount Remote Sub-Directory instead of Filesystem Root

I would to use Apache SSHD to create an SFTP server and use SftpFileSystemProvider to mount a remote directory. I successfully create the virtual file system wi

Not able to connect to SFTP using jcraft JSch

I am trying to connect to SFTP location via ssh jump-host proxy using jcraft version 0.1.52. But getting "connection is closed by foreign host" exception in my

how to rsyslog reads from a socket inside a jail environment

I have two sftp servers behind a loadbalancer where users log on in a chroot environment. Sometimes the user log in server1, sometimes in server 2. Also, there

How to connect EC2 instance to Netbeans remote server?

I am trying to connect my AWS ec2 ubuntu instance to the Netbeans. While I am trying to connect with Netbeans Remote server then, It is showing the following er

How can i count Get-SFTPChildItem folder size together?

I need help with my Project I'm trying to display the size of a folder called sh-modules but only thing I can achieve is displaying individual subfolder sizes..

Linux Azure web app service remote debugging

The only known way to debug a Linux Azure web app is to create a TCP tunnel between your machine and Azure which is explained here. I am able to create the tunn

Concatenating or combining ZIP files using SFTP

I am uploading files over 100MB and I am choosing to zip the files, split the .zip and then transferring the file parts. Once transferred to the SFTP, I do not

How to perform checksums during a SFTP file transfer for data integrity?

I have a requirement to perform checksum (for data integrity) for SFTP. I was hoping this could be done during the SFTP file transfer - I realize this could be

Mobaxterm: how to keep sftp connection alive?

I kept ssh connection alive following this post: Mobaxterm: how to prevent ssh session from exiting? I managed to keep ssh connection alive but sftp connection

Download files from SFTP server using PowerShell

I need to download files from SFTP server to a local machine using a PowerShell script. The API/library that will be used for the download needs to be able to

Converting FTP "ls -ltr" to SFTP

I was migrating an FTP functionality to SFTP. In shell script that does FTP, I saw some lines and I can not convert them to SFTP. I searched but couldn't get a

Specify file pattern in pysftp get

We can write a simple get like this: import pysftp hostname = "somehost" user = "bob" password = "123456" filename = 'somefile.txt' with pysftp.Conn