Category "session-variables"

how can I set a session variable in Drupal 8 and get it in a php script?

I'm working in a custom module for drupal 8. I have a form and I'm trying to send by means of a submit button some data from my custom module to another php scr

How to type cast of a session object into a class object in c#

i have a class called user. I put that class object into session. My question is, how can i retrieve that object into another page? var user = obj.user; var use

PHP idea about seat booking system?

I have to make a simple bus seat reservation/booking system with PHP backend. Currently I have done the interface just by using html and css as you can see from

How can I set a flash variable in Next.js before a redirect?

Laravel in PHP made this easy with, so I figured Next.js would have an easy way too. I thought I'd be able to do