Category "serverless-framework"

serverless - Type Error: Cannot read property 'Properties' of undefined

When issuing serverless deploy --region eu-central-1, I get the error Type Error --------------------------------------------- Cannot read property 'Proper

In serverless(aws), how to get variable reference from serverless.yml file?

In Serverless.yml, I defined resource: provider: name: aws runtime: nodejs6.10 region: us-east-1 stage: dev environment: customerDef: myvariable

Parameter Store request timing out inside of AWS Lambda

I'm attempting to access the AWS SSM Parameter store, like this article does. I have tested the lambda function locally and it works as expected. When pushed to

problem sending email using sendgrid with serverless-http

when trying to send email by sendgrid the lambda does not show log and ends up giving timeout. I've tried putting it inside a promise, but it didn't help. The i

Difference between SAM template and Cloudformation template

I'm finding it hard to understand the difference between SAM template and Cloudformation template. I know that SAM template can be used to define Serverless App

Add custom domain to API gateway without serverless-domain-manager

I want to add a custom domain to the API Gateway using serverless framework but without "serverless-domain-manager" or any other plugin. I am looking for a more

Is there a way I can replicate a DynamoDb table but add a sort key to it?

I have some DynamoDb tables populated by data and which don't have a sort key configured. I read DDB doesn't let you add a sort key only at table creation and t

Adding API to Usage Plan using Serverless Framework

My serverless.yaml file is as follows: service: aws-python provider: name: aws runtime: python2.7 stage: beta region: us-east-1 package: include:

NestJS and Serverless - handler 'handler' is not a function

I am trying to implement NestJS as a AWS Serverless function using serverless-framework. I was following this official documentation and my code is exactly as i

Cloud Front : The request could not be satisfied

I am coming across this problem, i have a chat server which needs to communicate to the lambda service hosted in aws , but cloud front throws the following erro

Serverless-framework, when does the API Gateway URL change?

I am using serverless-framework to deploy a lambda with http endpoints on AWS. This works fine and returns a API Gateway endpoint. I wanted to know under what