Category "selection"

Android display item inside dropdown list

I have a TextInputLayout with style ExposedDropdownMenu. this TextInputLayout contains an AutoCompleteTextView. I can add a list item inside this AutoCompleteTe

Remove blue outline on links when clicking, but keep the outline for TAB selection (accessibility)

I have a Burger Menu Button which is selectable via TAB. When I click on it and the menu opens up the burger has this blue outline to make it clear that it is f

Get start and end of a selection using javascript

i have an html string like this: <div id="div">Hi how are<span>you?</span> Fine</div> The text will appear "Hi how are you? Fine". I

html5 datalist to select only predefined options

I am using HTML5 datalist to allow selection from a large list by autocomplete and filter feature. But I want to allow selection only from predefined options. S

Check if select contains a specific value

I have a select with about 50 items, here's a small sample. I want to check if the select contains a specific exact value, so when looking for 'Beauty', that wo