Category "revision"

How to create Revision URL using gcloud run?

I recently noticed a beta feature in the Google Cloud Run web UI that allows you to create a Revision URL (tag). Super handy feature! My question: how can I cre

Is there a way to test a fully-managed Cloud Run revision before sending traffic to it?

I use Google's Cloud Run (fully managed) to run an app that I'm building. When I deploy a new revision, I'd like to be able to verify that various health check

How to "time travel" git repository back in revisions?

Is it possible to completely revert git repository to previous X revision on bitbucket so that it doesn't keep any changes after that X revision and doesn't con

How to delete a specific revision of a github gist?

I created a Gist on GitHub and I saw informations I don't want anyone to see. I updated the file since, but everybody can still access the old revision of the f

How to delete a specific revision of a github gist?

I created a Gist on GitHub and I saw informations I don't want anyone to see. I updated the file since, but everybody can still access the old revision of the f

How to clone git repository with specific revision/changeset?

How can I clone git repository with specific revision, something like I usually do in Mercurial: hg clone -r 3 /path/to/repository