Category "resources"

Spring boot can not find resource file after packaging

I use Spring boot maven plugin to package application as jar file. It can find the resource file direct run in Itellij IDE, But it can not find resource file

String xml file in Flutter

In flutter string text are directly set to the TextField widget like: new Text('Hello, How are you?') Is correct way ? or we can maintain all string in one

Is it possible to get an amazing Lighthouse score while using a WordPress page builder?

I'm a front end engineer working in e-commerce and marketing, and one of my routine tasks is finding out why client's websites are so slow. Most of them are on

Too few arguments to function PendingResourceRegistration::name(),1 passed in C:\xampp\htdocs\project\routes\web.php on line 18 and exactly 2 expected

Too few arguments to function Illuminate\Routing\PendingResourceRegistration::name(), 1 passed in C:\xampp\htdocs\project\routes\web.php on line 18 and exactly

PHP Desktop - Access to local resources

can you help me with access to local reseources? For example I want glob my images outside of www folder. PHP has access but chrome not show this images. Than

Delphi Kiosk mode template issue with C++ Builder (can find xml)

I could desperately use some help with finding out why Embarcadero's Android Kiosk Lock mode template is having issues deploying. I have C++ Builder 11.0 Alexa

Rails: rendering a partial for a nested resource

# routes.rb resources :topics do resources :bookmarks, except: [:index] end The view files for my Bookmark model live in app/views/topics/bookmarks: I re

AAPT error: resource drawable/... not found

After recently upgrading my android studio, I am not able to build my project anymore. Every time I execute a build, I am struck with the following error: err

simpy resource availability schedule

I'm using SimPy in Python to create a Discrete Event Simulation that requires resources to be available based on a schedule input by the user in my case in a c

How to create a .RC file to include version information & icons?

Im a bit new to this stuff. I Want to generate a .rc file that would include Version Information & Also contain Icons in it.. Version Information: VS_VERS

My resource does not load - "Input stream must not be null"

I read ~4 Stackoverflow Posts (1, 2) already, and did everything like it was explained there, but I get a NullPointerException while I try to load an Image. Ex

Embedding resources in executable using GCC

I'm looking for a way to easily embed any external binary data in a C/C++ application compiled by GCC. A good example of what I'd like to do is handling shader

Change app language programmatically in Android

Is it possible to change the language of an app programmatically while still using Android resources? If not, is it possible to request a resource in an specif