Category "replicaset"

Security group inbound rules wiped out and added by eksclusterrole automatically

I have deployed AWS EKS 2 node cluster(Version 1.18). It contains some ELBs, microservices and a UI hosted on Kubernetes. ELB's have their own security group. I

Problem while rs.initiate() for setup docker-compose for replica set

I want to setup MongoDB replica set with docker-compose with only one node. This is my docker-compose.yml file: version: '3.7' services: mongodb1: image

Connect to a remote dockerized MongoDB replica set

In my remote machine, I've set up a docker container machine that I manage using docker-compose. I created 3 docker containers for each MongoDB instance I want

MongoDB ReplicaSet issues

We are running MongoDB ReplicaSet on Kubernetes. One of MongoDB pods in CrashLoop and it shows OOMKilled as true. And the pod has crashed 234 times since then.