Category "remote-debugging"

VSCode Remote SSH Connection Failed

I'm trying to use the Remote-SSH extension to edit files on a Debian server. The SSH connection is established correctly but then I get an error message : Fail

Remote debugging configuration: Java on Netbeans 12

I can successfully deploy and develop java projects remotely from a Windows machine on a RaspberryPi (Raspian). My IDE is Netbeans 12.6 which comes with the opt

Eclipse debugger and remote debugger not working

I m using Eclipse Luna Version: Luna Release (4.4.0) Build id: 20140612-0600-32 BIT I have some breakpoints and remote debugger on which use to work as expected

Chrome://inspect displaying device though not displaying any opened tabs

I am trying to utilize chrome for remote debugging of an android web application. I am unable to get any open tabs from the device to show under chrome://inspec

How to debug Apps in Android Enterprise Work Profile

I've just started developing with Android Enterprise and need to deploy an app in work profile. My policy (see below) allows installation of apk with debug bu