Category "registry"

How to export a registry key in C#

I am trying to write a C# code, which will block exe files from running. I found a question about the same topic: example question. In the question suggested me

Windows: Programmatically create compatibility mode registry key for DVD or CD

I'm looking to programmatically run through an installation disc and set the compatibility mode for hundreds of exe's & msi's. But I've run into a snag. For

Registry key to find pst locations?

For outlook 2010 we had the outlook profiles set under:- HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Windows Messaging Subsystem\\Profiles. Similar

Programmatically configure Outlook's options for address lists

I need to to programmatically (ideally via PowerShell) configure Outlook setting the options: "When sending e-mail, check address lists in this order:" to "Star

How can i implement an NPM compatible package registry from scratch? [closed]

I would like to implement my own NPM compatible package registry, like 'github packages'. Where can i find documentation of how this is done?

How to programmatically (C#) create and add a default (HTML) signature in Outlook 2013?

Sorry for bothering you - but maybe somebody can help me here!? We are creating an Outlook 2013 VSTO Add-In to manage Corporate Signatures centrally and publis

How to get elevated permission to edit a registry CLSID, with in a WiX fragment

I am trying to set windows desktop search to use a different html filter other than the system default filter(nlhtml.dll). When I look up the PersistentHandler