Category "redhat"

FATA[0004] failed to initialize project: unable to scaffold with "": exit status 2

I am trying to create an operator using operator-sdk. I have installed opeator-sdk on my mac OS. My Environment Details : go version go1.15.12 darwin/amd64 oper

Kubelet service not starting up - KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS (code=exited, status=255)

I am trying to start up the kubelet service on a worker node (the 3rd worker node)... at the moment, I can't quite tell what the error is here.. I do however, s

Starting jbpm process with REST API with parameters and document attachment

I am using jbpm version 6.5.0. I have requirement to call process through REST API and I am successful to start process with parameters. I am testing it with

I am unable to install PostgreSQL 12 on Red Hat 8.1 after following official instructions using dnf

Official Instructions I have been trying to install PostgreSQL 12 but I get the following error: No match for argument: postgresql12 Error: Unable to find a mat

Linux Time Zone Warning

I'd like to know the meaning of the alert message that occurs in the Linux time zone. timedatectl Warning: Ignoring the TZ variable. Reading the system's time

VI editor - saving filename in :wq

After typing whatever that I need in VI, i wanted to save it to a file with :wq filename. But if I have type in the wrong filename , there is no way for me to

microdnf update command installs new packages instead of just updating existing packages

My Dockerfile uses base image which has microdnf package manager. When I include following snippet in docker file t