Category "react-native-ios"

How to fix 'ReactCommon/CallInvoker.h file not found' after manual upgrade from v0.61.5 to v0.63.3

I had to manually upgrade react-native, because nix react-native upgrade failed. After following the Upgrade Helper for v.0.61.5 -> v0.63.3, ive cleaned my b

Could not find 'ffi' (>= 1.3.0) among 85 total gem(s) (Gem::MissingSpecError) React native IOS on pod install

Hi I'm trying to run my react native app on mac mini. I can run another app also this app to but when i write pod install in terminal it gives this error. 1: fr

Multiple Bottom Sheets not opening in react native Ios

Hey folks I'm using react native raw bottom sheet in react native project.I'm showing a bottom sheet when the user click on an icon.It's working fine on both an

RNTMap was not found in the UIManager

I am following along the official documentation, copy and pasting the code provided there:

react-native run-ios build is extremely slow

I ran the react-native run-ios command to build my react-native app and it doesn't seem to be building(waited 20 mins). I have not encountered this issue on the

react-native-video onLoad onProgress not working IOS

I have used react-native video for playing audio files, it is working fine on android , but on ios it is not able to fire onLoad and onProgress functions which

nothing happens after react-native run-ios --device in react native

running on my device used to work fine. However, suddenly, when I run react-native run-ios --device, I get to the ending like [[ true != true ]] ** BUILD SUCCE

React Native Text Input Auto-Fill Email issues

I am using the React Native Text Input but I am having an issue with the iOS autofill feature when I am using the field for an email entry to sign up a user. I

"Undefined symbol: protocol descriptor for Swift.ExpressibleByFloatLiteral" issue while installing react native on macOS Big Sur

I was trying to install React Native on my system, and found that it failed to install CocoaPods dependencies which is required by that template error. sudo arc

Requiring unknown module "11" error on iOS simulator

When I run the react native project with react-native run-ios.It shows the following error on my iOS simulator.On my android simulator, it is totally ok.I have

React Native - pod install issue "cannot load such file.......node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods"

when I have a react native project....and when I run pod install it gives me the following error Invalid `Podfile` file: cannot load such file -- /myPath/node_m

Fetch not sending Authorization header in ios

I use two fetch functions, one to log in another get data from my API. login works fine but the second fetch throws an error in ios. it works fine on android

How to multiple TextInput handle with single handler?

I have create common class for TextInput and use it multiple time but its event handle with same method. i want to handle array data after filled the data in te

Why "Watchman crawl failed" error in react-native immediately after updating to macOS catalina?

Trying to run react-native run-ios or build RN project from xcode, as soon as metro bundler starts, this error appears in the terminal: Loading dependency grap