Category "react-context"

Protected routes not accessible even after signing or logging in

I am making a site whereby after the user signs in, the user is meant to be redirected to the home page. The homepage and all the other pages of the site are on

React showing a blank screen without any error messages (context api used)

I'm building a react Amazon clone, so in order to give the user the ability to add a product into his basket (as the first version of all the future checkout sy

Context API using the initial value not the one set in UseState

I just started using typescript with react and tried to deal with ContextAPI with the typescript. So Far I've set a context and tried to use a provider inside m

Why isn't necessary the contextAPI in that case?

I thought that if I want to pass a state in another component, it is possible only through props or with contextAPI (provider etc). For example: import { create

How to mock a single value in a React Context provider while keeping the rest of values

Hi I have a context provider which returns like this: return ( <RepeatsSidebarContext.Provider value={{ loading,

RN Web + Firebase: snapshot listeners unsubscribe in unmount vs in global unmount (using context)

In short: which is most memory + cost efficient way to use Firestore snapshot listeners, unmount them always at screen unmount or have the unsubscribe function

React Native Context rendering a blank screen when wrapped inside <Provider>

I'm trying to build a simple blog native app using context and have stumbled upon an issue to which I can't find a root to. Here's the structure of it: /context

React context between microfrontends

TLDR; How to use a single context between react micro frontends? The application is divided into multiple Microfrontends or react apps. Each of these is running