Category "react-app-rewired"

How to configure react-app-rewired to add a postcss plugin

How can I customize react-app-rewired config in CRA v5 to add a postcss plugin, for example this one? I checked react-app-rewired documentation and github issue

React and LESS, use a dynamic value from process.env for variables

I have an app with React with LESS. I have a "mixins" LESS file like this: @STATICS: "https://should-be-set-on-env"; @STATICS_KEY: "key-should-be-set-on-env";

How to perform tree shaking for lodash in a create-react-app project?

I need to perform tree-shaking to reduce bundle sizes where lodash and some other libraries are being used. I've converted all lodash imports like this: import

Jest: "Directory in the roots[0] option was not found"

I am trying to set up monorepo to run all of its Jest tests at once. In each package, I'm using react-app-rewired to get Babel to transpile code imported from o