Category "rails-engines"

How to use tailwind css gem in a rails 7 engine?

How to use tailwind in a rails engine? According to the documentation supplying a css argument to the Rails generator should work Rails engine generated

How to use jqueryUI in a rails 6 or rails 7 alpha engine

I would be grateful if someone could show the exact steps needed to use jquery ui in a rails 6 or rails 7 Alpha 2 engine. I have been unable to get either impor

How to use jqueryUI in a rails 6 or rails 7 alpha engine

I would be grateful if someone could show the exact steps needed to use jquery ui in a rails 6 or rails 7 Alpha 2 engine. I have been unable to get either impor

How to set up importmap-rails in Rails 7 engine?

I have opened an issue in the importmap-rails gem github repository here about this but thought I'd throw the question out here in case anyone might have a work