Category "rabbitmq"

Sending messages to durable queue using Rabbit perf test tool

How can I send messages to a durable queue using the Rabbit Perf Test tool? I am getting this following error: Caused by: com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalExc

AMQP - Argo-events: argo-workflow not triggered

I am trying to run an argo-workflow triggered by event-source that listens to messages published on RabbitMQ. I followed the exact steps in here: AMQP-Argo Eve

Cannot connect to RabbitMQ Celery

I am using Celery,RabbitMq,FastAPI,docker to develop a application.This is my docker-compose-yml. services: rabbitmq: container_name: rabbitmq

Install reportportal on kube get error : starting Tomcat context. Exception: org...message: Error creating bean with name 'servletEndpointRegistrar'

I've installed reportportal 5.7.0 to kubernetes cluster. I've implemented it from doc: From

How to connect to rabbit on vagrant host?

I set up a server using vagrant on a virtual machine. After installing rabbitmq, I tried to connect to it using script outside VM. There's already Django and Ra

RabbitMQ Clustering with 1Master & 5Nodes

Recently i deployed and implement RabbitMQ with 1Master and 2Nodes (as slaves). Is it possible to clustering RabbitMQ with 1Master and 5Nodes? For the record in

Spring Cloud Stream RabbitMQ wait for publisher confirms

I am using Spring Cloud Stream with the RabbitMQ binder. I use the StreamBridge to send messages to a destination. I want to send a message with StreamBridge an

RabbitMQ PRECONDITION_FAILED - unknown delivery tag

We have a PHP app that forwards messages from RabbitMQ to connected devices down a WebSocket connection (PHP AMQP pecl extension v1.7.1 & RabbitMQ 3.6.6).

How to solve the data loss issue in Event Emitters in NodeJS? MicroServices

Below code is just for testing purpose , if it works then i want to implement the same in real project with microservices. I have 4 microservices in one server.

How do I deserialize a dead lettered message when dead lettering changes the type?

I'm trying to write a dead letter handler service that reads messages off of a dead letter queue and then does something with the message based on the type, con

What are the differences between gRPC AsyncIO and RabbitMQ and when to use them?

I want to implement event-driven communication in my microservices architecture. For example, if event A happens, services X and Y would carry out certain thing

How to keep forked child process alive in node js

I want to create a rabbitmq cli running like foreverjs with node. It can spawn child_process and keep it running in the background and can communicate with chil

Google Pub Sub/Lite vs RabbitMQ

I would like to confront my understanding of google pubSub/lite vs RabbitMQ (using MQTT over WSS). My use case is that I need something like a topic exchange. T

Docker RabbitMQ in detached mode logging

I am running RabbitMQ in the docker container in detached mode. I am doing this so I can set some values using rabbitmqctl. I added tail -f /dev/null so the c

RabbitMQ nginx config

I have problem that entering RabbitMQ management page in server it asks on each requests basic auth login. I cannot resolve it so that i have not enter on each

How to publish raw json message to another application queue?

In my situation, I only need publish message from laravel application to available rabbitmq queue which created in another symfony application. I installed this

How to remove non-running nodes from RabbitMQ cluster

I need to delete all nodes that are not running in a RabbitMQ cluster via the command line. I have tried rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node, but I'm not sure how t

How to modify spring-websocket to interface with broker via MQTT instead of STOMP?

I'm building a spring-websocket application that currently uses RabbitMQ as a message broker via the STOMP protocol. The rest of our organization mostly uses IB

Rabbitmq Sending message to only one service

I am building my application on a microservice model. Lets says There is one database on server D1 There is a user service hosted on server U1 There is a notifi

Re-queue message on exception

I'm looking for a solid way of re-queuing messages that couldn't be handled properly - at this time. I've been looking at