Category "qml"

How to only allow the user type numbers and comma in the qml textField?

I want print the value of textField, but I want that the user only can type numbers, "," and / TextField { id: textField1 implicitWidth: 200 implic

How to pass __init__ arguments to class registered with qmlRegisterType?

Is it possible to pass init arguments to a python class registered to QML using the qmlRegisterType function? If so, would they be passed when the class is inst

How to handle macOS dock Quit action in QML app?

I have a simple ApplicationWindow that should prevent quitting by overriding onClosing signal. However, when the app is closed from macOS dock, the onClosing is

QObject::findChildren() for QML object finding

I have an QML form with QQuickApplicationWindow. I need to get QQuickItem pointers on BaseKey elements of QtVirtualKeyboard (it's implementation is placed in se

QML List of Lists (2D data)

Summary: How can I nest one ListView inside another, feeding data from the outer model to an inner model inside the delegate? Data and Desire I have an array

QtCharts module not found even after installing in Qt Maintenance

I know that there're many questions regarding this aspect: QML module not found (QtCharts) How to include the QtCharts library in Qt Creator 4.2.0 (Community) H

Minimizing window issue in Qt 5.15

Window { id: mainWindow width: 960 height: 600 flags: Qt.FramelessWindowHint | Qt.WindowMinimizeButtonHint | Qt.Window Rectangle {

QML creating Text element takes long time

I noticed that creating Text element in QML takes long time. For an example: import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true wid

QML creating Text element takes long time

I noticed that creating Text element in QML takes long time. For an example: import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true wid

QML creating Text element takes long time

I noticed that creating Text element in QML takes long time. For an example: import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true wid

QML creating Text element takes long time

I noticed that creating Text element in QML takes long time. For an example: import QtQuick 2.5 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true wid

How can I give a Qt QML item a property that doesn't notify when it changes?

I (very) occasionally find myself needing to add a property to an item that isn't bindable in other expressions, that is to say that when its value changes, it