Category "pyzmq"

python zeromq Parallel Pipeline multiple consumers (workers)

Hello together! I would like to combine data from different python programs via zeromq. I think for that job the best solution would be parallel pipelines as ar

Having multiple sockets for same Context() and same port in ZMQ

My current system takes input stream from cameras, each camera in a separate instance, and apply Computer Vision models on each camera (Object Detection, Object

Acknowledgment on ZMQ

I'm building a real-time service using Python, by the Master - Slave architecture, such that each service is on a DIFFERENT server. The communication between th

How do I send a dict with the PUB/SUB pattern using pyzmq?

I'm trying to send a python dictionary, using something like: import zmq context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) socket.bind("tcp://*:%s" % po