Category "python-requests"

Python flightradar24.api list iteration

Good evening, Trying to iterate over a list that scraped from flightradar24 api package. Currently using these 2 lines for example : flights = fr_api.get_flight

Python Requests - ChunkedEncodingError(e) - requests.iter_lines

I'm getting a ChunkedEncodingError(e) using Python requests. I'm using the following to rip down JSON: r = requests.get(url, headers=auth, stream=True) And t

Download a captcha image without an extension

How I can download this captcha image with PIL or another image manipulation library, I tried several ways but I can't download the image. from PIL import Imag

Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed

I created a simple python app that has a client part that accesses (uses the requests library) another app (api app) using Flask library to get data. Everything

How can i find all channel ids?

def SpamRequest(): channel_id = random.choice(channel_ids) r ="{channel_id}/messages", data=payload,

How to use Python requests to perform NTLM SSPI authentication?

My goal is to authenticate my client that uses the requests library (2.11.1) in Python 3.5.2 through NTLM with SSPI so that the user does not have to manually e

Log into WSJ using Python requests

I am trying to log into the Wall Street Journal's website using the Python module requests. I know that other people on these boards here have successfully used

How would I go about incorporating an if statement in item list?

I need to find the phone numbers in this website, I have come to the conclusion that I need to write an If statement but I'm not really sure how to do that sinc

Send asynchronous HTTP requests one after another

I am trying to use aiohttp to send requests one after another like this import aiohttp import asyncio from datetime import datetime async def main(): requ

python requests can't find a folder with a certificate when converted to .exe

I have a program that pools ad stats from different marketing systems. Everything works fine untill i convert it to the .exe format and run it. Exception in Tk authorization using python requests

I'm trying to login to Everything works fine in browser, but it shows the webpage "Under maintenance" using python. Can someone t

Python bz2 returns EOFerror before the whole file has been read

I am trying to lazily load items from a compressed file that resides in Zenodo. My goal is to iteratively yield the items without storing the file in my compute

Can't grab coordinates from ArcGIS iframe in a webpage using requests

I've created a script to get coordinates (-119.412 49.023 in this case) from a map located in a webpage using requests module. When I try using my script below

Convert html source code to json object

I am fetching html source code of many pages from one website, I need to convert it into json object and combine with other elements in json doc. . I have seen

how to use same cookies over multiple requests when using python requests

I am new to python requests and am using it to scrape a website and get to a certain webpage, first I login and then I do a few requests for other webpages: im

Requests (Caused by SSLError("Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available.") Error in PyCharm requesting website

Using requests in Python3 Windows via Pycharm, and receiving SSL Module Not Available Error I've spent hours trying to figure out what could be causing this. I

Python - load an in-memory ZipFile object as bytes

I have a script which creates a closed in-memory ZipFile object that I need to post as a bytestring (using requests); how do I do that? I have tried opening th

I have trouble with FTX api

I want to get my balance using the FTX api. Refer to the Python sample code in the api docs and change it as follows. But it returns an error message. {"success

Max retries exceeded with URL in requests

I'm trying to get the content of App Store > Business: import requests from lxml import html page = requests.get("

PermissionError: [WinError 32] when importing the requests module

When I run the command import requests, I get this: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\user1\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\import