Category "python-multithreading"

How to stop this running threading.Thread?

I found this non blocking code on stack overflow which is using threads to provide functionality of nonblocking setInterval function in JavaScript. But when I t

Python2: multiprocessing.dummy.Pool vs multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool

In python 2, is there any difference between multiprocessing.dummy.Pool and multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool? The source code seems to imply they're the same.

How to collect, store and organize output with network and threading?

Need your help and suggestion, I'm collecting data from networking devices and I'm storing it to dictionary "output_dict={}" at the same time I'm going to use t

Is there a way to send message to a specific client in a multithreaded TCP server?

I have made a tcp multithread server which is always listening to new connections and at the same time handling existing clients. If i have 2 clients, lets say

Implementing threading with flask with application context

I am trying to implement multiprocessing or threading in my flask to implement a sub-process that will handle some back-end work for me. However, I

ThreadPoolExecutor communication with separate asyncio loop

I have a task that is IO bound running in a loop. This task does a lot of work and is often times hogging the loop (Is that the right word for it?). My plan is

Multithreading not improving results in python?

I am applying Multi-threading to a python script to improve its performance. I don't understand why there is no improvement in the execution time. This is the c

Restarting a thread in Python

I'm trying to make threaded flight software for a project in Python 3.4, in which I need threads to restart themselves in case an I/O error occurs during a sens