Category "pypi"

cx-freeze PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

I am attempting to use cx_Freeze as an alternative to my usual application for converting .py to .exe (auto-py-to-exe). When I run it in cmd I get: C:\WINDOWS\

How to not store password in .pypirc?

I'm trying to set up a private Pypi cloud using CloudPypi. And I really don't want store my password in .pypirc. I want to be prompt to type in my password ever

How can I make a Python package developed with Poetry available on conda-forge (or even on my personal conda channel)?

I have developed my first Python package using Poetry as a dependency management and packaging tool. Publishing my work to PyPI has been as easy as running: poe

How do install packages from a local python package index? and allude to being able to install python packages from

How do install packages from a local python package index? and allude to being able to install python packages from

pypi package published but can't download

I have here a package on pypi that was published by command line, but no-one can download it (except on the laptop I packaged it up on): pip install webdriver_c

conda package on Nexus Repository

My company uses Nexus repository as npm proxy for package management. Does anyone have experience using Nexus to hold Conda packages (Python) and for proxy? In