Category "project"

I have a project in college and I do some of the requirements [closed]

**my project talk about Shape hierarchy for every shape needs Inheritance, Polymorphism and Files I/0 I did a simple thing of the requirements

Deploying a C# source generator project that includes references to other private projects

I want to release a source generator package, and I want to include a private project dependency on the source generator project. For example, assume that my pr

How to migrate or move Azure DevOps project from one organization to another organization?

We have a requirement where we need to move/migrate an Azure DevOps project from one organization (Organization A) to another organization (Organization B). We

Cannot edit imported project netbeans

i've recently imported a project shared with my friend for school in netbeans and we have a problem. Everytime i try to edit or delete a comment or a code line

docker compose orphan containers warning

How to be with orphan images when you have 2 independent projects and you want them to work at the same time or at least to build running docker-compose up -d w

Same repository names in different projects

I have two projects: CompanyAManagement CompanyBManagement And for both projects, I would have a repository "frontend" and "backend". However, after I have crea