Category "primefaces"

JSF DocumentViewer fails to display PDF in @ViewScope

I am relatively new to JSF thus need some help. Problem: I have webpage that displays a PDF. Thus I created a xhtml as follow <p:panel rendered="#{mainAppVie

PrimeFlex not applied on PrimeFaces

I tried to setup PrimeFlex (3.0.1) for PrimeFaces (10.0.0). I used css files as provided in dist folder of PrimeFlex repo. Also I followed the instructions give

How to maintain accordionPanels in the same order?

I'm using accordionPanel in Primefaces. When I refresh the page the order changes! For example: I have 1,2,3 then they become 2,3,1 or 3,2,1 ! The order of the

Disable/ Enable for Next and Back button in PrimeFaces Wizard

I am new to JSF Primefaces I am using Primeface wizard, where I need to disable/ enable the Next/ Back button in the wizard using java. I have tried with below

JSF and primefaces suggestions in vscode

How can I get suggestions/autocomplete for JSF syntax and primefaces components in VScode? I'm developing a java web application and trying to migrate my work

Adding a value to an empty dataTable results in javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException

I got a dataTable and I am trying to add entries to the backing ArrayList of the given table. SelectedStep is null after the component is loaded. All Getters an

Primefaces 5.1 start ajaxStatus during preRenderView

In primefaces is possible start "ajax status" from a method of a backing beans? I have the following view: <ui:composition xmlns="

Can not update component without a attached renderer. Component class: "class org.primefaces.component.menuitem.UIMenuItem"

I have an warning on my page that is: Can not update component without a attached renderer. Component class: "class org.primefaces.component.menuitem.UIMenuIte

Will PrimeFaces Dialog Framework break view scope as compared to p:dialog?

I'm using PrimeFaces 5. I would like to open a dialog when a button is pressed. <p:commandButton value="add upload" actionListener="#{theForm.openUpload}"

Highlight row when single selection with a command component

Based on the primefaces documentation: Single Selection with a Command Component This method is implemented with a command component such as commandLink or com

PrimeFaces uploadFile, trying to upload multiple files and stopping at one

So basically, I have a fileUploader that I want to do multiple files at a time. When I click upload with 2 or more files, it runs the event handler once, and t

How do I put line break in p:tooltip

How can I put a line break to the PrimeFaces tooltip component to separate the first line from the second line? <p:tooltip id="toolTip" for="idBut

JSF / PrimeFaces: Navigate from one tab to another

Using Primefaces tab view (<p:tabView>), how to navigate from one tab to another tab? For example: <p:tabView id="tabPanel"> <p:tab id="tab1"

Truncating big text value in p:dataTable and exporting the table with the full text

I am using Primefaces 3.5 with JSF 2 and have a dataTable: <p:dataTable id="dataTable" var="refType" value="#{rtmUiController.listAllRefTypes()}" pag

Automatically perform action in client side when the session expires

I want to display in a <p:growl> that the session has expired. I found many methods to handle session expiration like: Session timeout and ViewExpiredExce

PrimeFaces ajax change of input and action on another field

I have this code, where, on change of value of an input element, I listen and update some other fields. The problem is, when I change the value of this input

Can I update a JSF component from a JSF backing bean method?

Is there a way to have a JSF Backing bean cause an update of a component on the page? I am not looking to use an ajax component with update attribute to update

How to change axis font in PrimeFaces and Chart.js

I am using PrimeFaces 7, and I am trying to use barchart from Chart.js as follows: Code: <p:barChart widgetVar="cfg" model="#{dashboardBean.barModel}" styl