Category "prettier"

Is eslint pre-commit hook in CRA bootstrapped application required?

My react application is bootstrapped using CRA(react-scripts v4.0.0) and I want to add a code formatter (prettier to be specific) that must format the code befo

How to force prettier html formatting to format tags in one line?

I use prettier in my VSC, so how to force prettier HTML formatting to format tags in one line, not multiple lines? I want to format something like this all in

Prettier auto-correct javascript "import" statement into an one line but then eslitnt 'max-len' rule breaks

I have eslint setup with Prettier formatter in vscode. there is this following original line, import MyCustomComponentsIsThis from 'queries/internal/consu

How to correctly use Eslint rule newline-per-chained-call with Prettier in Angular

I added the rule: "newline-per-chained-call": [ "error", { "ignoreChainWithDepth": 2 } ] to my .eslintrc.json file. I Also extended "plugin

Making Prettier understend TS "as" operator when it is working with eslint

I'am tring to use Prettier with ESLint for TS. But it's fails with an error SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier, expected the token `)` (17:55) On line with

aws cdk 2.0 init app fails to build with prettier issues, which is from jest-snapshot

node: v16.7.0cdk: 2.0.0 (build 4b6ce31) package.json: "devDependencies": { "@types/jest": "^26.0.10", "@types/node": "10.17.27", "aws-cdk": "2.0.0

Editing Prettier options in Vscode

I need to enable .tpl files to be formatted like HTML by Prettier. I've found on GitHub this block of code who should do it : overrides: [ { files: '*.h

Prettier VSCode - How to ignore formatting code for a single declaration in css, set in a global statement and not through simple comment

Correct format for a single declaration and what i prefer happen .lbl-vlt {background-color: var(--violet);} .lbl-emrld {background-color: var(--emerald

Prettier to format .vue

Prettier VS Code extension doesn't work properly with .vue. I mean how to setup prettier to integrate it with eslint and format .vue files on Cmd+Shift+P ->

How do I configure prettier to format tsx file which use styled component?

Here is what is expected after formatting my file : export const StyledDiv = styled.div<StyledDivProps>` width: 56px; height: 30px; `; And this i

Prettier react/jsx-max-props-per-line format with VSCode

I use Prettier in JavaScript project with React. All my component props is formated in 1 line : <Icon icon="arrow-left" width={15} height={18} /> And i

Is it possible to stop prettier from adding an extra tab for .then() {} statements after Promise.try?

So, I was wondering if it is possible to stop prettier from adding an extra tab for .then() {} statements after Promise.try or just simple return PromiseFn() .t

why prettier.semi not adding any semicolons on my JavaScript files?

This one of my files that prettier didn't add any semicolons but format it well, function usercreate(name,score){ = name this.score =

why prettier.semi not adding any semicolons on my JavaScript files?

This one of my files that prettier didn't add any semicolons but format it well, function usercreate(name,score){ = name this.score =

VSCode - disable comments auto-formatting for C code

I just installed an extension prettier in vscode to autoformat my code. However all the comments in my code are being moved towards the left. Which I don't want

How to turn off the prettier trailing comma in VS Code?

How to turn off the prettier trailing comma in VS Code? I go to settings. Select none for the prettier trailing comma. Restart VS Code. Select a piece of TypeS

Format JS & HTML with prettier

I have not been able to configure prettier to format my html and js code only, I don't know what else to put in my configuration. The ID for the Prettier extens

Code style issues found in the above file(s). Forgot to run Prettier?

I have this problem when I try to check style with prettier --check Code style issues found in the above file(s). Forgot to run Prettier?