Category "powershell-4.0"

How to pass Json parameters to powershell script

I would like to pass Json data to Powershell script. PowerShell script: Get-AzMySqlFirewallRule -ResourceGroupName "dev" -ServerName "dev-DB-Server" | Out-File

Using Get-ChildItem -Exclude or -Include returns nothing

I have a list in my C: directory that has many files. If I try to run an -Exclude on it, I get no returns. Same with -Include. If I use filter it returns what I

Loading Assemblies from NuGet Packages

Sometimes in my PowerShell scripts, I need access to a specific DLL, using Add-Type -AssemblyName. However, the DLLs I need aren't always on the machine or in t

New-ExoPSSession: Index was out of range

Im developing a script that connects to Exchange Online Microsoft 365, but when the script executes the cmdlet "Connect-ExchangeOnline", it ends with errors. Th