Category "post"

Spring post method "Required request body is missing"

@PostMapping(path="/login") public ResponseEntity<User> loginUser(@RequestBody Map<String, String> userData) throws Exception { return ResponseE

Convert GET parameter to POST request body and extract specific JSON property

Background I am making a spreadsheet that refers to information security license registration provided by the Japanese government ( The

ESP32 board_POST_Error_[E][WiFiClient.cpp:258] connect(): socket error on fd 56, errno: 113, "Software caused connection abort"

I need to send HTTP POST request using ESP32 module, to my REST API server which coded using python. But when running following code, an error comes. Running on

MVC POST requests losing Authorization header - how to use API Bearer Token once retrieved

I have spent the last week creating an API for an existing MVC application, and am now attempting to secure the API along with reworking the MVC side security a

Axios POST request fails with error status code 500: Internal Server error

I'm trying to send a POST request locally with a username and password in the body through Axios. I'm deploying a Flask app on, wh

Unhandled Exception: DioError PONSE]: Http status error [500]

I made FormData use the dio package to upload images to the database, but my compilation was running "flutter run", an error appeared. After I see the error th

Download File from Bytes in JavaScript

I want to download the file which is coming in the form of bytes from the AJAX response. I tried to do it this way with the help of Blob: var blob=new Blob([res

Post Form Using Fetch and Check Status OK

How does one get the reponse code when posting form data using fetch with vanilla JS, I have this code which posts but does not check response code with respons

how to tell which button was clicked in post request with node backend

I have a node application, where on the frontend, I have multiple buttons that activate the same post route as specified by the formaction attribute below: <

Why I got reloading with a POST to json-server

I'm testing the json-server package with the following HTML, so my problem is the next one: My page reload after I click on My button I'm trying with a POST req

Python requests not sending {"Content-Type":"application/json"} header or is just ignoring body in HTTP POST

I'm writing some Python to communicate with an API, that uses RESTful. I've managed many successful GET commands, however, am having difficulties with POST. The

Can't create KuCoin order with Google App Scripts

I can get account details so my authentication appears correct but in trying to modify that code to create an order it returns a code 401 "msg":"Invalid KC-API-

Upload files to Nginx

is there a way to upload files to a server via http using nginx? I have a program that basically uses curl and the POST method via http to send files to a comp

upload image from react native app to symfony backend via axios

I want to upload an image from react native app to backend in symfony via axios. here is the code of the front end : const [pickedImage, setPickedImage] = u

hidden INPUT value not available in $_POST

I have a form that I use JavaScript to set the value of a hidden INPUT field which is the text of the OPTION selected. The $_POST captures the value of the OPT

VB.NET WebRequest with PHP POST

I am having trouble sending the post variable to received in the PHP document in my server. I tried it with the GET and it works fine. But what I notice is the

IPV6 Curl POST request

In IPV6 how to build CURL POST http request with the IPV6 address and port number.Any kind of thread will be appreciated. Tried to build the request as below

Upload a file via POST using RestSharp

I'm trying to simulate a simple multipart HTML form in C#. I was successful posting text as parameters using the addParameter function. Now I want to upload a

How to post JSON data to FastAPI backend without using Swagger UI?

I am trying to do a simple POST operation using FastAPI. I have created a basic structure using BaseModel, which has only two attributes, namely 'name' and 'rol

Telegram bots API responds 403 Forbidden

I'm fairly new to programming and I want to make a simple bot for telegram. After creating new bot using bot father and getting token, I made a simple HTTP post