Category "pm2"

pm2 command not working from a docker image

I have a pm2 command in my docker file which should run inside container when the container starts: CMD ["pm2", "start", "ecosystem.local.json"] CMD ["pm2", "lo

Error when using Google Cloud vision and pm2 with python3 script

I'm trying to run my script on a unbuntu server. One the the libraries the script requires is Google Cloud Vision. It works locally and on the server if I use t

How to kill the pm2 --no-daemon process

I'm using pm2 as the process manager of Node.js. In many cases, I think I will run it as a daemon process, but if you use it locally as debugging, I think that

What is the difference between pm2 restart and pm2 reload

I have a nodejs app running on server. When should I use pm2 restart,and when should pm2 reload be used? Referred to the pm2 documention here,but couldn't fig

How to add node run option --max-http-header-size and add name to pm2 start command

How would I start a pm2 process with the —max-http-header-size node option, as well as name the process. I have a server with multiple micro-services, one

Setting up websockets in a multi-instance node environment using PM2

My current setup is running multiple node instances using PM2 to manage the instances and act as a load balancer. I would like to implement some functionality

pm2 --ignore-watch not working

I have been using pm2 for some time now. Recently, I needed to add a custom log directory to my Express4 project called "actionLog". Since it is a directory tha

Nodemon and PM2 on VPS

I have a nodeJS app and I developp it with nodemon to restart everytime something change. So my package.json is like : "scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: n

PM2 does not restart Node JS application when this error occurs

For some reason, every time I get this particular error /home/pi/.pm2/logs/app-error.log last 15 lines: 0|scripts | { TimeoutError: Navigation timeout of 30000

How to specify a port number for pm2

I'm trying to use pm2 to manage a node.js cluster pm2 start . -i 3 I'm currently running the app on heroku and using a Procfile with the above command, but I

too many unstable restarts (16). Stopped. "errored" pm2 nodejs

Node version : 12 pm2 version : Latest 4.4 i have installed pm2 from below command wget -qO- | bash My .js file var http = re

pm2 crash with too many unstable restarts (16). Stopped. "errored" in python

I have created a script that can run the python django application. I run this script using pm2. I do pm2 start, it works properly but after some tim