Category "plsql"

Use dbms_output.put_line in Datagrip for .sql files

I started to use Datagrip for my PL/SQL (school) projects that need the use of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE. Before this I was using Oracle SQL developer and I was able

using cursor attributes in a CURSOR FOR LOOP

I am running the following in the Scott schema: SET serveroutput ON; BEGIN FOR c_Emp IN (SELECT * FROM emp) LOOP dbms_output.put_line('The record processed by

Invalid Json from Oracle Apex

I have a problem with returning a json object from a REST method in Oracle Apex. Apex puts an escape character in front of every quotation mark and hence the js

SQL error "ORA-01722: invalid number"

A very easy one for someone, The following insert is giving me the ORA-01722: invalid number why? INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES (1,'MALADY','Claire','27 S

How to pass multiple values into one parameter in stored procedure (Oracle)

I have a parameter created for a stored procedure looking to allow user to pass in multiple inputs. create procedure sp1 (p1 in varchar2) as begin select proc

Dynamic Column Name for a Derived Column - ORACLE SQL

I'm trying to set a dynamic column name on my query using "select from dual". Is this possible? If not, kindly recommend alternatives for me to achieve this. I

PL/SQL print out ref cursor returned by a stored procedure

How can I fetch from a ref cursor that is returned from a stored procedure (OUT variable) and print the resulting rows to STDOUT in SQL*PLUS? ORACLE stored pro

PLS-00103 error for procedure

I have 2 servers (one for testing, one for production), both have the following Oracle packages (identical output on both of them for SELECT * FROM V$VERSION; :

How to Dynamically Name Table in Oracle SQL Select Statement?

i would like to return all rows and fields from a table, where neither the tablename nor the fieldnames are known in advance. Something like: select * from [TA

How to convert the Long value to String using sql

I am doing a long to string conversion using java in following way. Long longValue = 367L; String str = Long.toString(longValue, 36).toUpperCase(); this is r