Category "placeholder"

How Do I Change Placeholder Text on Google Places Autocomplete Component in React Native?

I have been trying to find a way to change the placeholder text for a GooglePlacesAutocomplete Component in React Native. I have tried looking through the offic

How can i make my placeholder show on datepicker input?

I have a react-datepicker component inside my form and i am trying to put a placeholder which says "please select a date" but datepicker only shows the date.I d

Show placeholder text for input type date

Placeholder does not work for input type date and datetime-local directly. <input type="date" placeholder="Date" /> <input type="datetime-local" placeh

Changing font-family for placeholder

Is it posible for an input field to have one font-family and it's placeholder another? I have tried to change font-family for the input's placeholder with an al

How to change placeholder color on focus?

How to change the color of placeholder when focus the input field? I use this CSS code to set the default color, but how to change it on focus? ::placeholder {

How to change placeholder color on focus?

How to change the color of placeholder when focus the input field? I use this CSS code to set the default color, but how to change it on focus? ::placeholder {

How do I make a placeholder for a 'select' box?

I'm using placeholders for text inputs which is working out just fine. But I'd like to use a placeholder for my selectboxes as well. Of course I can just use th