Category "phpexcel"

PHPExcel export HTML table to xlsx

I need to export HTML table with data from database to xlsx file as easily as possible. I've tried PHPExcel and some JS plugins, but unsuccessfully. Is there

PHPExcel file download using AJAX call

I have a PHPExcel code which I use to export file, It works completely fine when i run it through normal static inputs but when tried with ajax calls the file i

PHPExcel file download using AJAX call

I have a PHPExcel code which I use to export file, It works completely fine when i run it through normal static inputs but when tried with ajax calls the file i

How to embed a pdf file in an excel worksheet using phpspreadsheet?

How to embed a pdf file in an excel worksheet using phpspreadsheet? $file= 'kl.pdf'; $objDrawing = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing();

PhpSpreadSheet: How to save Workbook sheets in individual CSV files

I'm using PhpSpreadSheet and I need to save the sheets contained in a workbook as individual CSV files. I've tried to use $reader->setLoadAllSheets(); but

PHPExcel How to set conditional formatting to change cell background color based on cells values

Good morning, I need to set cells background colors using PHPExcel, but I don't know how to do it. This is for my header and It's working: $styleArray = arr

PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter causes wrong behaviour

After having created a PHPExcel program, the final step consists of saving the worksheets, to do that, I want to apply these rules so as to generate the file in

PHPExcel change bar color of column chart

I'm using PHPExcel library in order to make an summary excel with 4 column charts. I managed to do that, but now I want to change the color of the columns and I