Category "php"

Passing a boolean value from checkbox in Laravel form

I am trying to save boolean value when I create a new Post and then have it update the value if I update the Post. When I create a new Post and save, it persist

i want condition active page/or open post page, title not show in sidebar

i want condition active page/or open post page, title not show in sidebar <?php $the_query = new WP_Query( array('post_type' => 'courses')); ?>

Sending data from LMS Moodle (php) to python CGI script and get it back

I installed Learning Managment System (LMS) 'Moodle' to XAMPP local server. And there is instrument for file downloading, called "filepicker". I want to pass te

PHP Laminas DoctrineObjectInputFilter get value of other property in Callback input filter

I am working with Laminas DoctrineObjectInputFilter and want to get value of other property in Callback input filter like this code is in init function of Filte

Laravel Multi-language routes without prefix

Currently, my system is using 2 languages which is English and German. my goal is to browse following routes by switching between the mentioned language - bas

How do I remove this delivery notification from here?

I used STMP PHPMailer to send emails to newly clients on website. It works, but the weird thing is that it gives a delivery notification which I don't want. How

How to fix bootstrap multiselect search data using ajax

I am Using bootstrap multi select. I have two drop downs and both have datas with search feature. what i am doing .. on change function on first drop down i wa

Laravel Mixing of GROUP columns (MIN(),MAX(),COUNT(),...) on a sub query with "ROW_NUMBER() OVER PARTITION"

I know there are tons of question that includes that error, but I haven't seen one that incldues a subquery with row_numbers. Ok so I have this raw query which

How to fix laravel composer update issue ( Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postAutoloadDump failed to open stream: No such file or directory)

I'm currently working on a laravel project using an existing package for e-commerce functionality called Bagisto. I already downloaded the package files from th

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) witth Laravel and Vuejs

I have in backend this link and for frontend I want to lock my API backend for everyone except my frontend! my cors.php <?php retur

How to fix 'Data has already been sent to output, unable to output PDF file' in MPDF

I tried to use MPDF library for generating PDF. try { $mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf(); $mpdf->WriteHTML('Hello World'); // Other code

Pass a select with mysqli_fetch_row to a table

I have a problem with passing the query that returns a number of records, I already have it with a select that returns an input, but this only works with one re

Ajax post does not give value to php file, post becomes get

I have this ajax function for login. Edit: I just noticed that this server runs php7 while other server where the login does work uses php5. What has changed in

Ajax post does not give value to php file, post becomes get

I have this ajax function for login. Edit: I just noticed that this server runs php7 while other server where the login does work uses php5. What has changed in

How to execute sql code based on fetch array

I have a search engine that I found on google and I would like to search in the 'barcode' database that I have and if it finds the person it executes the code t

How to fetch the data from multiple tables order by SUM query?

I have different tables like profiles, tournaments, tournamentdate, tournamentresult and pigeons. Profiles columns > ProfileId, Name, Address, etc. Tournamen

How to fix " Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to JpGraphException::defaultHandler() " problem in php 7.1.3 and jpgraph 4.2.6?

I'm working on a graph with a Satisfaction form with a database with jpgraph and I've encountered some issues with an handler error. This is my program: <?

How do I pass the dynamic output of a php variable or php function to a CSS variable?

The WordPress plugin PolyLang provides translations to a chosen language. Its functionality of "Strings translations" consists of a list of strings with custom

Why foreach not working with date changer?

I want to change my database dates from jalali to gregorian. but when I run the code, foreach not working and not getting all of my datas from database. This is

Target class controller does not exist - Laravel 8

Here is my controller: <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use Illuminate\Http\Request; class RegisterControlle