Category "pdfbox"

What is the proper way to add rich text annotation in PDFBox?

I add three annotations into empty PDF: call .setContents("...") call .setRichContents("..."); call .setContents("..."); and .setRichContents("..."); First anno

PDFBox - How to change encoding from WinAnsiEncoding to Unicode?

I am trying to find a way I could change the WinAnsiEncoding to Unicode, I've tried setting font like this, PDDocument doc = new PDDocument(); PDPage page = n

Rotating each page in the PDF using java

Hi folks i have a few use cases i need to cover while rotating the page in the PDF . I need to check each page rotation value and rotate it to 0 degree. when i

PDFBox render image misses content

When using PDFBox, we encounter an issue where if we call render on a PDDocument, it sometimes loses content, such as fonts or certain shapes. Having dug into

How can I fill empty space with null in a pdf? using pdfbox

I am using Java PDFBOX to read a pdf It is a very long pdf with more than 40 pages, and I need to extract more than 100 elements on each page, doing it manually

Extracting exact table data from PDF

I am trying to extract each row of my table from a pdf file I created before. The problem I have, is that empty cells, which I thought would be saved as 'null'