Category "parallel-processing"

GNU parallel - running command through multiple ssh jumphosts

I need to run commands on multiple hosts accessible via multiple jumphosts. I have a slf file ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -nJ jumphost1,user@jumphost2 user@worker1

Should multithreading be used in microservices?

Should parallel programming be used in the development of microservices in case the microservices are scalable and, for instance, deployed as ECS on AWS? If ye

Parallelizing Monte Carlo Tree Search

I have a Monte Carlo Tree Search implementation that I need to optimize. So I thought about parallelizing the rollout phase. How to do that? (Is there a code ex

How to initialize workers to use package functions in parallel

I am developing an R package and trying to use parallel processing in it for an embarrassingly parallel problem. I would like to write a loop or functional that

How large should my list of objects be to warrant the use of java 8's parallelStream?

I have a list of objects from the database and i want to filter this list using the filter() method of the Stream class. New objects will be added to the databa

Unable to achieve async/parallel behavior inside for loop while using FastAPI and Ormar

I am using FastAPI and have an async route that needs to do many things like making calls to other API endpoints, and reading/writing to a database. It iterates

Is reading from Python zipfile thread-safe?

I have seen several differing opinions on this. I don't see anything in the latest docs (3.9.2). Can I read multiple different entries in a ZipFile safely? I ha

How to fix C function R_nc4_get_vara_double returned error in ncdf4 parallel processing in R

I want to download nc data through OPENDAP from a remote storage. I use parallel backend with foreach - dopar loop as follows: # INPUTS inputs=commandArgs(trail

Parallel/Concurrent Method Execution in JavaScript

I am wanting to learn how to run functions in parallel/concurrently in JavaScript. Over the past few days I've read several pages about promises, async function

Slurm parallel "steps": 25 independent runs, using 1 cpu each, at most 5 simultaneously

I was previously using HTCondor as a cluster scheduler. Now even after reading Slurm documentation, I have no idea how to parallelize... What I want to achieve

Odd-Even sort Java using multithreading

I am new to this group, so I believe it is a possibility to get help here since I could not find any information about my question on Google. I am trying to imp

A second operation started on this context before a previous asynchronous operation completed

Message: "System.NotSupportedException was unhandled Message: An unhandled exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' occurred in mscorlib.dll Additional

Best way to wait for queue population python multiprocessing

It is first time I play with parallel computing seriously. I am using multiprocessing module in python and I am running into this problem: A queue consumer run

Parallelizing different functions at the same time in python

I want to execute f1 and f2 at the same time. but the following code doesn't work! from multiprocessing import Pool def f1(x): return x*x def f2(x): return x

Jenkinsfile Pipeline DSL: How to Show Multi-Columns in Jobs dashboard GUI - For all Dynamically created stages - When within PIPELINE section

Jenkins 2.89.4 rolling I saw almost all stackoverflow posts which show how we can successfully run parallel steps/stages (using list/maps etc) --OR hardcoding

Need Help Understanding OpenMP Matrix Multiplication C++ code

Here is my Matrix Multiplication C++ OpenMP code that I have written. I am trying to use OpenMP to optimize the program. The sequential code speed was 7 seconds

convert df.apply to spark to run parallely iusing all the cores

We have a panda dataframe that are using. We have a function we use in retail data which runs on a daily basis row by row to calculate the item to item differe

How can I import thread package in Python 3?

I want to import thread package in Python 3.6. But this error is occurred: import thread ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'thread'

Prevent Android function call from running before its predecessor completes?

I am running a main function that calls three others in succession like this: public void test() { countdown(); secondMethod(); lastMethod(); }

What is the difference between limitedParallelism vs a fixed thread pool dispatcher?

I am trying to use Kotlin coroutines to perform multiple HTTP calls concurrently, rather than one at a time, but I would like to avoid making all of the calls c