Category "package.json"

What is the package.json file?

As a new Developer I'd like more information about json file. I know that The this file is the heart of a Node.js system. This file holds the metadata for a par

NPM CI error bindings not accessible from watchpack-chokidar2:fsevents

When I run npm ci on Github Actions I got the error: Run npm ci npm ERR! bindings not accessible from watchpack-chokidar2:fsevents npm ERR! A complete log of t

What's the minimum I have to do to propagate changes from a node.js file: dependency?

I have a project structure like this: main depends on file:../lib1 which depends on file:../common main depends on file:../lib2 which depends on file:../common

How to set env var for .npmrc use

I need a module in my project to download a private npm package. To accomplish this, I am using a .npmrc file to supply a read-only token needed to download the

React / React-DOM package dependency conflict

I've been running into this error message every time I try to run npm update: : npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree npm E

Wait seconds before running next task on scripts package.jscon

What I want to do is when I run npm run dev to execute those both tasks I need to wait for 5 seconds until next task runs. Run the npm run server wait for 5 se

What is the "module" package.json field for?

I've seen some npm packages (vue for example) have a module field in their package.json. But module is not included in the package.json documentation - is this

Different node package versions in different branches of app in package.json?

The scenario: We have several similar but customized Node applications, all of which include our own common library/package which we include as a dependency in

Inherit or share package.json dependencies

We got couple of different projects that are using main dependencies like React and TypeScript packages. Each of those projects(maintained by different dev team

How do I fix a vulnerable npm package in my package-lock.json that isn't listed in the package.json?

Github is telling me that a dependency in my package-lock.json file is vulnerable and outdated. The problem is that if I do npm install or npm update, neither o

React Native TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'props.getItem')

When navigating to certain screens on my React Native app (using expo), I am getting the following error: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'pro

proxy not working for react and node

I'm having issues with the proxy I set up. This is my root package.json file: "scripts": { "client": "cd client && yarn dev-server", "server"

Optional-chaining in Angular

I'm using optional chaining on an object which in turn gives this error after compiling the code For example const someObj = {pet_animals: {'dog', 'cat'}}; cons

npm equivalent of yarn install --check-files (or yarn check)

Update for 2020 This question originally referred to the yarn check command, but the docs state that this is deprecated in v1, and removed in v2, and yarn insta

Should I update my npm version or use the one node.js provides?

I have a project that uses node.js 14.16.0. Both me and my teammember use that version. I use npm 6.14.11 and my teammember uses npm 7.x.x. This results in the

Setting homepage in package.json doesn't set PUBLIC_URL on build

Following the docs here (Building for Relative Paths), so setting homepage field in package.json doesn't set PUBLIC_URL during the build. Expected behavior %P

What's the difference between dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies in npm package.json file?

This documentation answers my question very poorly. I didn't understand those explanations. Can someone say in simpler words? Maybe with examples if it's hard t

How to remove folder with npm before build

I've got a scripts "build": "rimraf dist webpack --progress --config webpack/prod.js", But actually,it removed not dist but all file inside webpack folder. But

Locked package.json files in Docker container using docker-compose

I'm using Docker for Mac and Docker Compose for development of a Node.js application and I'm experiencing an error with the package.json file being locked. The

What should I put in the license field of package.json if my code is only for use by the company I work for?

NPM 2.11.3 I'm building a library in Node. This library is only for use by the company I am currently working for. I think this means that the license is "None"