Category "owl-carousel"

How to add Owl-Carousel-2 completeness percent(%) status bar(not progressBar)?

First of all this is not about "progressBar", I need a completeness percent(%) status bar for owlCarousel-2, if there is any confusion in my question and descri

Owl Carousel 2, 8 items in two rows

Is it possible to make the Carousel in two rows? I want images like below: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 & in 1 page only 1

Centered owl-carousel where each image has the same hight and keeps its aspect ratio

Is there an approach to to create a centered owl-carousel where each image has the same height without losing its aspect ratio? I tried to calculate the image s

Slide effect is not working in react-owl-carousel after adding data dynamically to carousel

I am using react-owl-carousel in my react js project. Initially, I am loading 5 items through an API call and after that, I am doing an API call on the click

Box shadow on items in owl carousel being cut off

I have got a box shadow on every element in my owl carousel. Problem is the outer most elements have their Box shadow cut off because of the overflow: hidden th

remove a block HTML with javascript

I use owl-carousel in a project angularjs I try to reinit owl-carousel after data-change with $(element).data('owlCarousel').destroy(); and remove this block: