Category "outlook-addin"

C# -EWS - Setting custom properties on Exchange service for Outlook email

I would like to save a boolean property on an email. If user clicked on my addin button, i'd like to mark selected email as treated. Using UserProperties of Mai

Outlook interop code throws "message has been changed" error the second time when the code tries to save a mail item

First of all, this problem only happens on a few client machines and I can not replicate it on any of my test machines. So I have the following test code in LI

Exchange version from VSTO Add-In

Is there a simple way to retrieve the Exchange version from a VSTO Add-In. I noticed here that WMI might be an option. I would like to avoid powershell.

VSTO Outlook Add-in Move folders up and down

i have an outlook add-in in which a folder is selected.Now what i want is, i want to move the folder up and down using C#. Is there someone that can help me in

Outlook Advanced Search on property GlobalAppointmentID

Alright so I'm needing some help here. I working with Outlook 2007 PIA (Outlook add-in) and using the advanced search. I'm trying to write a DASL filter for the

Outlook item change events in C# misfired

I'm developing an Outlook add-in, that communicates with a server via PHP. I'm synchronizing data between Outlook items and server data. Whenever the user mak

What is EntryID in Outlook?

I'm working on a Outlook VSTO Addin that will plug-into the iManage FileSite AddIn, I'm currently trying to access the currently selected folders ID (Within the

Is Folder.PropertyAccessor safe to call from managed code?

We recently finished development of a VSTO Outlook add-in. For some configuration data, it uses custom olText properties on a Folder. When our add-in detects t

How can I force an Outlook Addin-in to be active immediately?

I have an Outlook Add-In that is basically fine; but often (not always) when I want to make a change, which I upload with Filezilla, it is not active straight a

Folder Level StorageItem location

Iam look for the folder where my StorageItem is located. This documentation says: A StorageItem object is stored at the folder level, allowing it to roam

PropertyAccessor error

I have an Outlook 2007 add-in made in Visual Basic with Visual Studio 2010. I developed this quite a long time ago and it has always worked fine. I detect embed

Search Outlook Global Address List Asynchronously

I want to; Search the Global Address List of MS Outlook Using an input, filterStr To retrieve all items asynchronously that match a criteria satisfying Contac

c# outlook addin - store data locally

Whenever an email is sent, I want someaction to be performed(we active this action by clicking some button that appears in the ribbon in the compose email windo

current code not extracting email headers for content-type

I use code from this link to get email headers from outlook. But, it is not extracting email body(content-type) correctly. Everything works fine. If you want

How to close inline response

I want to close current Inline Response to do some behaviors. I have try this function: OutlookApp.ActiveExplorer().ClearSelection() but it cannot work under C

Copy old emails (> 6months) from Outlook to external location with outlook add-in

We have created a add-in for outlook to archive inactive emails to a harddrive location. It all works fine, except for e-mails that are not visible in the outlo

Outlook plugin (VSTO) - Set focus back to editor after range's function InsertAfter

My outlook plugin (FormRegion) insert text into mail body on demand (user clicks a button) - the text is inserted by the "InsertAfter" function (Range's functio

What is the best way to store some data in VSTO addin?

I have developed one outlook add-in, that has to be On or Off. to do that i have declared one static variable as shown below, ThisAddIn.cs public static bool

Import .msg file to outlook custom folder using c#

I need to add the .msg files to outlook custom folder using VSTO addin c#

How to delete pst file after deleting store using c#

I m removing the store and would like to delete the .pst file associated with it. I am developing a VSTO addin, where in once user logout then I would like to d