Category "osx-mavericks"

Where is my m2 folder on Mac OS X Mavericks

I cant seem to find the local .m2 folder on Mac OS X mavericks. Ideally it should be at {user.home}/.m2 but I cant seem to find it. Should I create it?

How to set JAVA_HOME environment variable on Mac OS X 10.9?

I just purchased a brand new MacBook Pro. This is my first MAC ever and I'm still trying to get the hang of navigating my way around. Anyway, I'm also new t

CGDisplayIOServicePort is deprecated in OS X >= 10.9, how to replace?

I did small app to allow quickly change screen resolutions on multiple monitors. I want to show product name as title of the monitor, and it's very simple to fi

CGDisplayIOServicePort is deprecated in OS X >= 10.9, how to replace?

I did small app to allow quickly change screen resolutions on multiple monitors. I want to show product name as title of the monitor, and it's very simple to fi