Category "openvpn"

Can an OpenVPN Route over TEST-NET-1 (RFC 5735)

Background I have a strange use-case where my VPN cannot be on any of the private subnets, but, also cannot use a TAP interface. The machine will be moving thro

Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in client4.ovpn:88: ca (2.4.7)

I want to set path for client rsa files. but get this error: Options error: Unrecognized option or missing or extra parameter(s) in client3.ovpn:3: ca (2.

Azure VPN P2S Azure AD Authentication Connection Problem: The operation was canceled by the user

I've setup an Azure VPN Gateway according to the instructions on However, each time I

I am working on a VPN app which used Open VPN and I am not sure how to call the tunnel

I don't understand how does packet tunnel work and also don't understand where use packet tunnel in view controller. My .ovpn file is working fine but not conne

OpenVPN server not pushing route

I've a OpenVPN 2.4.7 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu server running, which is providing around 120 routes. There's an issue with one of the routes not being pushed to the c