Category "openlayers"

Snap to features of Vectortile layer using Openlayers

I want to snap to features in a Mapbox Vector tile (MVT) layer but failed to do so. Is there an example code or way to achieve this? Thank you.

OpenLayers 5 - is there a way to center cluster text?

I'm making app that displays my markers, and because there is a lot of them I need to make clusters. Everything but text works as expected. I've tried changing

javascript sode for mouse position display and Geolocation with openlayer and geocodezip example

I want to combine Geolocation and Mouse Position Display (lng/lat; outside of map)from the Openlayer and geocodezip site.I tried various combinations of codes B

OpenLayer 6.3.1 problem displaying GeoJson data on the map

I have problem with openlayer geojson. I'm trying to display data in the map, but nothing I try works. What do I need to change to display the data on the map?

OpenLayers - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'div' of undefined

I'm trying to display markers on vector layer using following code, var map; function init(){ map = new OpenLayers.Map('map_element',{}); var wms = new O