Category "openid-connect"

How to get an AzureAD JWT for service authentication on command line

I have some company website providing some information protected by azure AD. This works fine in the browser, but I would like to create some automation on comm

Accessing keycloak roles / users attributes from Java API

I've created a role and and a user in Keycloak and added one attribute in both of them; for example: my_role_attr = 'x' my_user_attr = 'y' Then I'm trying to

Node express with OpenID connect

I use the this library to use oidc with nodejs What I need is the following: user login with user password, or have the data already the session cookie. this is

Require Permission On Sign In With GIS Client

gapi.oauth2 is being deprecated so I'm trying to set up Google Sign In using the new GIS Client. However I'm having a serious issue when the user grants access

Null Reference Exception when calling GraphServiceClient from a .net core Razor application that uses OpenIdConnect

I am working on a DotNet Core Razor application that uses OpenIdConnect to authenticate against Azure AD. This site is currently targeting the .net 5.0 framewor

Web App SPA & OIDC: How to properly authenticate before accessing the front?

I have a regular web app, composed as usual of a frontend SPA (angular) and a backend. The server calls are protected from unauthorized calls through authentica

How to configure Keycloak to work with Guacamole's OpenID plugin?

I'm trying to setup Apache Guacamole with KeyCloak as OpenID Connect Authorization Server. Guacamole is redirecting me to KeyCloak, I can Log in with my user I

OpenIDConnect provider's HTTPS certificate doesn't match configured thumbprint

- name: Configure AWS credentials uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@master with: role-to-assume: ${{secrets.ARN_GITHUB_ACTI

Logout from Keycloak does not logout Active Directory User

We have integrated KeyCloak server with Azure Active Directory as Identity Provider for SSO Login. Log-in is working fine. However we facing problem with log-ou

OpenIdConnectProtocolValidator - nonce error

I'm using OpenIdConnect authentication on my azure website (azure active directory, c#, MVC) and I'm randomly getting this error IDX10311: requireNonce is t

Blazor WebAssembly Hosted on IIS - only API is working

I have a project where I have developed a solution with Blazor WebAssembly Hosted model. I have a Server Project, a Client project and a Shared project (but I r

RFC - Adding Group Claims from OKTA to Role Claims in .net Framework Using OIDC

PROBLEM: The suggested method by Lee Brandt see: was not working due t

Web API with Microsoft Identity Platform Authentication

I created a new ASP.NET Core Web API with Authentication type "Microsoft identity platform" based on the VS2022 template. On Azure I setup the following with my

What are the default Lifetime values for openiddict tokens

Very simple question, i would just like to know what the default values are set in openiddict 3.0+ Tokens are AccessToken AuthorizationToken DeviceCodeToken Ide

ASP.NET Web API and OpenID Connect: how to get Access Token from Authorization Code

I try to get OpenID Connect running... A user of my Web API managed to get an Authorization Code of a OpenID Connect Provider. How am I supposed to pass this co

Change the preferred_username in token for client credential grant flow

I am using the Keycloak for one of our product. And we are using the client credentials grant flow to get the access token for service to service communication.

How do I validate a JWT using JwtSecurityTokenHandler and a JWKS endpoint?

I am prototyping the use of IdentityServer4 to secure several services, with the caveat that those services will likely not be migrated (in the forseeable futur

What is the best approach to logout from keycloak after authentication via pkce?

What is the proper way to logout? These are the keycloak client settings: Realm: REALM Client ID: pkce-client Client Protocol: openid-conne

No authentication handler is registered for the scheme 'Cookies'. The registered schemes are: Application, Bearer, ASOS

I am implementing (ASOS) with .net core 2.1 application. Now the issue is when I am trying to execute this chunk in controller,