Category "opencv"

How to draw repeated slanted lines

I need to draw slanted lines like this programmatically using opencv-python, and it has to be similar in terms of the slant angle and the distance between the l

OpenCV Stitcher class not working in Python, always returns ERR_NEED_MORE_IMGS

I'm trying to use the OpenCV Stitcher class for putting two images together. I ran the simple example provided in the answer to this question with the same koal

OpenCV command line app can't access camera under macOS Mojave

I'm unable to access the iMac camera from a command line OpenCV program. (I'm compiling and running the program under CodeRunner, not Xcode.) I've read that Moj

How to determine travel distance of an object between frames, using a moving object and camera

If you have a video file with a moving object, as well as a moving camera, is it possible to track the distance that the object moved between 10 or 20 frames? I

OpenCV-Python Error (-215:Assertion failed) !empty() in function 'cv::CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScale'

Consider the following code: import cv2 # define a video capture object vid = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) classifier = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cv2.

tqdm progressbar for opencv videocapture going beyong 100%

I am processing a video using Opencv in python and using tqdm to show the progressbar. However, the progress goes beyond 100%. Not really sure why is this happe

How to connect broken lines that cannot be connected by erosion and dilation?

I have an image like this that has multiple stoppers and some of the lines are broken. To connect this broken line, I used a morphological operation like this:

How to increase speed of video playback within Python using openCV [duplicate]

I am writing a program that draws a line on a video where the first pixels of the railing are encountered, my problem is that the video playba

Filling contour won't work using drawContours() thickness=-1 [duplicate]

I am trying to fill a contour which was obtained by separately thresholding 3 color channels. image_original = cv2.imread(original_image_pat

Join broken lines in image using OpenCV for python

I am working on a project in which I have to complete the broken lines in the image below and then calculate the area. Is there any way to complete the broken l

Join lines to create closed contours using OpenCV

I have the following image: And I would like to join all of these "green" linear pixels to create a bounding box contour - is this something that is possible w

Join broken lines in image using OpenCV for python

I am working on a project in which I have to complete the broken lines in the image below and then calculate the area. Is there any way to complete the broken l

Low pass filter with apply function - Help to solve

I have a can I write the code. I want to create an image interface. The class filter should apply a low-pass filter to a given image and should be

Compare two images and find all pixel coordinates that differ

I have designed a program that compares two images and gives you the coordinates of the pixels that are different in both images and plots the using pygame. I d

Why does find_objects give a bunch of Nones and then range of the whole image?

I am trying to find all objects detected in difference of frames, I thougt this would give a list of each area detected in the threshold, but find_objects is gi

OpenCV Android React Native unknown exception on some functions in imgproc module

I'm trying to use OpenCV in an mobile app written with React Native. For now i only focus on the Android part. I use the official OpenCV for Android release. I

How to delay in c++?

I am working on a rehabilitation application that relies on four ARuco markers,i need to draw on the four markers in the exercise sequence i.e. the object appea

How to run the code using two OpenCV versions python at the same time?

Two versions are installed on my computer, OpenCV 3.3.1 is working with ROS library (kinetic) and OpenCV 4.2 has some advantage compared to 3.3.1. So, I'd like

Opencv ellipse() bug?

cv.ellipse( img, center, axes, angle, startAngle, endAngle, color[, thickness[, lineType[, shift]]] ) The startAngle is the starting angle of the elliptic arc

CV2: "[ WARN:0] terminating async callback" when attempting to take a picture

I am trying to take a picture from the defualt carmera with python, to do this I am using openCV (import cv2 from python shell). However, when I attempt to disa