Category "openapi-generator"

Swagger Codegen generates nested Lists by using array as response for spring server stub

I am using the cloud SwaggerHub Codegen Editor and wrote API like this: /foodlogs: get: tags: - foodlog summary: searches food logs operationId: searc

Can I suppress the default Optional<NativeWebRequest> getRequest() that OpenAPI generates into interfaces?

I have an OpenAPI 3.0 file that specifies two REST resources with operations, let's say: openapi: 3.0.0 [...] paths: /a: post: [...] /b post:

How to use OpenAPI "oneOf" property with openapi-generator-maven-plugin when generating Spring code

I am developing an application with an Angular frontend and RESTful Spring Boot Backend I found this very handy maven plugin openapi-generator-maven-plugin from

How do I override the servers -> url (basepath) when generating client using openapi-generator?

I have an OpenAPI specification document (that I do not control) that contains the following snippet: servers: - url: http://www.[someservice].com/api I am