Category "odata"

ODataQueryOptions do not response the property which is my custom class

I have an entity like this public class MyDto { public string string1; public string string2; public MyCustomClass myCustomClass; } I have two cont

How to check if a property is $select-ed?

I am building an OData web API, and I am trying to implement this function to determine whether a given property should be included in a GET response based on t

oData Patch Delta parameter doesn't list any changed fields?

I'm using Abp Boilerplate ASP.Net Core and Angular. I've implemented odata as per the odata AspNetCore Integration document and it works fine retrieving data. I

oData Patch Delta parameter doesn't list any changed fields?

I'm using Abp Boilerplate ASP.Net Core and Angular. I've implemented odata as per the odata AspNetCore Integration document and it works fine retrieving data. I

Scaleproblem: VizFrame Dual Barchart Rendering of Values

I made a dual barchart with vizframe, but I ran into a problem. The values of the two datasets don't render on the same scale. This makes the comparison of the

HTTP Patch Delta is Null with oData web service

I am using entity framework code first. My entities and controller were generated by Visual Studio and have not been modified. This issue seems to be that the

How to get all guest users count in M365 groups with Microsoft graph api

I tried to get all guest users count in all M365 groups in single Microsoft graph api call I have written below query for that.

Serialize Enum as DisplayName or EnumMember Value

I have an enum declared in c#. I have a Display Name/ EnumMember value annotation and Student Class. I'm using core 2.2+ version with Odata. [DataContra

InvalidOperationException: Can't use schemaId .. The same schemaId is already used for type

I receive the following error. InvalidOperationException: Can't use schemaId "$Registration" for type "$PortalService.Models.Registration". The same schemaId is

Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData 8: controller is not found by convention

As described in the docs, Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData 8 uses a convention to tie a controller to an entity set. They also provide a sample that demonstrates this

Nginx compress mime types with parameters

I have Nginx reverse proxying my service that works by OData protocol. I'm trying to enable compression for theese requests by putting #... gzip on; gzip_type

Setting headers for Odata client

I've been trying to set authorization header value for Odata client. After I instantiate the client, I do it like this: container.BuildingRequest += (sender, e

How can I get the count of filtered OData results? [duplicate]

I am attempting to get the count of filtered OData results in a Fiori SAPUI5 application. I am able to get the correct count using both $count

Create a filter query for Microsoft Graph that works equivalent to "contains"

I need to create a $filter query for the Microsoft Graph API that searches for a specific word in a string (the display name of users). For example I'd want to

Support OData for an entity with 2 composite keys in ASPNetBoilerplate

I'm using ASP.NET Boilerplate framework for ASP.NET Core. How do I add a OData controller to support an entity with 2 composite keys. I have the composite key

Developing a Spring REST service with OData interface

I'm developing a RESTful service using the spring framework. This service has a few different controllers. Some of the controllers allow the user to query data