Category "oculus"

Unity XR integration scene objects rotate along with head movement

It all happened when I declared the camera as global of type transform. Just wanted the debug ray to follow head movement and to be placed at the center. I mana

Unable to start Oculus in Unity Editor

Hi everyone) I can't see the oculu's rotations in unity editor when press play button. No errors((( Unity - 2019.4.37f1 Oculus XR Plugin - 1.12.0 (try 1.11.2)

unity - oculus quest - how to read thumbstick input

I'm working on projects for oculus quest using Unity 2019.3. I have done some work in this before, but I am up against a bit for which I am having trouble findi

AWS Chime (webrtc audio) + Oculus Quest 2 - setStreamVolume does not change real volume even if getStreamVolume shows a different value

I use Amazon's AWS Chime to establish voip audio communication . My actual setup is a bit complicated, I built chime android sdk into a module, with some change

Unity3D Getting position of OVRCameraRig

I want to attach an object to the OVRCameraRig and then use its position, which is offset from the rig. However, my object is always static, irrespective of wh

The "OnCollisionEnter" function isn't being triggered in one case but is being triggered in another case

I'm making a virtual reality application for the oculus platform with the unity engine & experiencing a problem in the process. For some reason, when i'm ho

How do I implement a raycast / laserpointer to Oculus controller?

I want to implement a graphic raycaster/ laserpointer to the left Oculus controller, so I can interact with UI buttons in Unity. I have seen a lot of tutorials